AIRAANZ Conference 2017
Welcome to the 31st Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference hosted by the School of Business at UNSW Canberra and held in the QT Hotel, New Acton.
The focus of the conference is ‘Reconsidering Gender and Industrial Relations’. Gender equality, diversity and inclusion issues have increasingly featured at AIRAANZ conferences, consistent with the feminisation of the discipline. From once being a male-dominated discipline which focused on traditional IR issues such as collective bargaining, unions and wages, industrial relations has expanded over the years to focus on gender equality issues. Work and family, flexible working arrangements, pay equity, gender and collectivism, equal employment opportunity and women working in male-dominated areas are now all IR staples.
New areas relating to gender continue to emerge, including discussion around how to make workplaces more inclusive, working conditions for women in less developed countries, the impact of disruptive digital technologies on gender equality, and even the meaning of ‘gender’ and how this plays out in the workplace. AIRAANZ is an important forum for advancing our knowledge and understanding of the bedrock issues of gender equality, while also delivering new, fresh ideas. The 31st AIRAANZ provides an opportunity to consolidate and broaden our knowledge of gender and IR.
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